Energy Bills

6 Tips to Beat High Energy Bills This Winter in Goose Creek, SC

December 20, 2020

Winters in Goose Creek, SC, are milder than a large portion of the country, but it still becomes cold enough during the winter months to turn on your heating system. Below are six tips to beat high energy bills this winter.

Check Filters

A dirty filter in your heating system drastically reduces the efficiency of it. Trapped particles in the air filter block the airflow, making it more difficult for your system to warm your home and keep your heater on longer. Your HVAC system has to stay on longer, which raises your heating bills.

Check your filters at least once a month to ensure proper airflow, which will help lower your heating costs in turn. You can clean some filters, but it’s far easier to replace them.

Lower Water Heating Costs

Your water heater also drives up your heating costs if you don’t pay attention. To make sure your water heater isn’t raising your heating costs, turn down your water heater’s temperature to 120 degrees.

This is the warm setting and won’t scald your hands, but it’s hot enough for dishes and hand washing. Another option, especially if your water heater is old and wearing out, is to replace your water heater with an energy-efficient one.

Maintain Heating Systems

Just like your vehicle, your heating systems need regular maintenance to keep running smoothly. A minor misalignment makes your heating system work harder or stay on longer, both of which raise your heating bills during the winter.

While you can put off minor repairs to your heating system, it’s often not advisable as a small issue will turn into a bigger problem later on. Not only would you have to worry about high heating bills, but you could potentially have leaks or a heating system that doesn’t want to turn on. Scheduling a maintenance visit will help fix issues while they’re minor.

Adjust Internal Temperature

When you’re out of the home and you have your thermostat set to your normal temperature, you’re wasting a lot of heat. This is especially true if you have a central heating system and you heat unoccupied rooms along with the occupied rooms. When you’re home and awake, it’s best to keep your thermostat set around 68 to 70 degrees while lowering the thermostat by 10 degrees when you’re out of the home.

It’s far easier to adjust the temperature of your home’s temperature when you have a programmable thermostat. If you have a smart thermostat, not only can you adjust the temperature of your home from anywhere, but it can also adapt to your needs and patterns.

Seal Air Leaks

Sealing air leaks goes a long way to keeping your home warm longer and your heating bills down. Common air leaks occur around windows and weatherstripping around doors. Other areas to look for air leaks are window air conditioners, electrical outlets, electrical entrances, fireplaces and attic hatches.

Dryer, bathroom and kitchen vents also cause air leaks and drafts, but there are easy and safe ways to seal these leaks. Once you take care of these air leaks, you can combat high energy bills during the winter months.

Let the Sun Shine Inside

While the air outside calls for jacket weather and closed windows, the sun still provides heat. Even on partly sunny days, you can open the curtains to let the sunshine inside.

Not only does it make the inside of your home nice and bright, but it helps to heat your home during winter as well. During the day, open the windows in the home that face south, or near south. This will allow the natural heat to warm your home.

If you’re looking for ways to save money and lower your heating bills, some of the most impactful ways to do so are attending to areas of your home where you least expect it. When it’s time for maintenance on your heating system, rely on Berkeley Heating and Air Conditioning to see you through the winter with lower heating bills.

Image provided by iStock

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