HVAC Technology

4 of the Latest Innovations in HVAC Technology

March 27, 2019

The HVAC industry has come a long way since the first home heating and cooling units. Check out a few of the latest innovations in HVAC technology that are available for your Summerville, South Carolina, home.

Smart Thermostats

As technology continues to develop, so do thermostats. Gone are the days when we have to manually operate our furnace. Today, you can create a schedule with your smart thermostat that dictates the temperature based on the time and day of the week. You can also access these settings remotely. Many thermostats even have the ability to track your household’s movements. As a result, they help you save money in other ways.

HVAC Zoning

Heating or cooling a larger home used to be expensive. You were forced to heat the entire house, even the rooms that you rarely used. With HVAC zoning, you can control different parts of the home separately. As a result, you enjoy greater efficiency and more affordable energy bills.

Geothermal Systems

Geothermal systems allow you to maximize your energy efficiency while also taking advantage of the latest HVAC technology. These HVAC units use natural renewable energy sources to heat and cool your home. They use the ground’s natural heat source to warm your home during the winter. In the summer, a geothermal system pulls heat from the indoors and transfers it to the ground for cooling. Geothermal units are also quiet, dependable and environmentally sustainable.

Air Quality Solutions

In addition to HVAC units that are more efficient, modern homeowners also have more options available to improve their air quality. Air purifiers remove unhealthy pathogens from the air, while air humidifiers add moisture to it. UV lamps remove harmful microorganisms. Advanced CO monitors actively monitor the air for dangerous carbon monoxide levels. These and other tools can drastically improve your home’s air quality.

Technology has made it easier than ever to achieve maximum efficiency, safety and comfort in your home. Call Berkeley Heating & Air Conditioning today at (843) 277-6030 to learn more about the latest innovations in HVAC technology.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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